Thursday 17 April 2014

Trip to the North

Last Saturday me and my group went up to Northern Ireland to a town named Derry or LondonDerry.  It was really cool to learn about all the history that has gone on in this town.  Many years didn't get the chance to visit Derry because of all of the riots and fighting that was going on there during The Troubles.  Today Derry is peaceful and is working towards on being less segregated.  Also many countries are coming to them on advice on peace and how to achieve it.
This is part of Derry that is still very protestant and mostly English.

You can still see some evidence of the IRA in parts of the city.

In the center of the city called the bog site, there are 12 murals that represent peace.  The bog site is where the worst of the violence occurred during the Troubles.  Our tour guide told us that the bus that we were on would have been flipped over and burned only 30 years ago if we were driving through the bog site.  Each mural shows a different image but all have the same message, peace.  It was really moving to see all these murals and hear of all the terrible things that went on in the bog site, but it was also great to see all the progress that Northern Ireland has made.

Our tour guide told us that they having tourists visit, and that it was our job to spread the word, that Northern Ireland is peaceful and safe now.  By spreading this word he said that it will give people in places like Ukraine and Venezuela hope of achieving peace.

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